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" And even those who know and admit that the mind is something more than brain, disregard the fact in their systems of education, following almost unconsciously the old ruts. Thus Bain says in one place : " The organ of mind is not the brain by itself ;... "
The Senses and the Intellect - Side 40
af Alexander Bain - 1872 - 714 sider
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The Career of the child

Maximilian Paul Eugen Groszmann - 1911 - 356 sider
...of dependence which is becoming more and more understood and scientifically determined. Bain says: "The organ of mind is not the brain by itself; it...brain, nerves, muscles, organs of sense, and viscera." It is now well known among educators and alienists that mental and moral disorders and defects are...
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Dietetic and Hygienic Gazette, Bind 12

1896 - 842 sider
...their systems of education, following almost unconsciously the old ruts. Thus Bain says in one place : "The organ of mind is not the brain by itself; it...brain, nerves, muscles, organs of sense, and viscera." And yet, in " Education as a Science," he says: " Now, when we inquire into the meaning of physical...
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Werner's Magazine: A Magazine of Expression, Bind 19

1897 - 850 sider
...unconsciously the old ruts. Thus Bain says, in one place: " The •organ of the mind is not the brain itself; it is the brain, nerves, muscles, organs of sense and viscera." Yet in " Education as a Science," he says: "Now when we inquire into the meaning of physical education,...
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