| Humphry Repton - 1840 - 684 sider
...We consider this work a great boon to ihe British manufacturing; public." ATHEX.«UM. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF GEOGRAPHY: COMPRISING A COMPLETE DESCRIPTION OF...Political Institutions, and Civil and Social State of all Nations. By HUGH MURRAY, FRSE : assisted by Professor Wallace, Professor Jameson, Sir WJ Hooker,... | |
| Thomas Brothers - 1840 - 618 sider
..." We consider this work a great boon to the British manufacturing public." ATUEN.CUK. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF GEOGRAPHY: COMPRISING A COMPLETE DESCRIPTION OF...Political Institutions, and Civil and Social State of all Nations. By HUGH MURRAY, FRSE : assisted by Professor Wallace, Professor Jameson, Sir WJ Hooker,... | |
| 1840 - 824 sider
...Edition. 8vo. 15s. cloth lettered. New Edition, brought down to 1840. This day is published, ENCYCLOPEDIA OF GEOGRAPHY; COMPRISING A Complete Description of...Physical Structure — the Natural History of each Comitry — and the Industry, Commerce, Political Institutions, and Civil and Social State of all Nations.... | |
| Thomas Moore - 1840 - 442 sider
...graphic illustrations are throughout admirable."— BELL'S LIFE IN LONOON. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF GEOGKAPHY; COMPRISING A complete Description of the Earth, exhibiting...Relation to the Heavenly Bodies, its Physical Structure, ihe Natural History of each Country, and the Industry, Commerce, Political Institutions, and Civil... | |
| William Turton - 1840 - 408 sider
...GEOGRAPHY: Comprising a complete Deseription of the Earth: exhibiting its Relation to the Heaveuly Bodies, its Physical Structure, the Natural History...each Country, and the Industry, Commerce, Political Institntions, and Civil and Social State of all Nations. By Hugh Murray, FRSE: assisted in Astronomy,... | |
| Sir Henry Holland - 1840 - 800 sider
...to tL^ litr-^ri development of ;lic most accompli-ihod antii)tuty." JOBK BULL. MURRAY.-ENCYCLOP/EDIA OF GEOGRAPHY; Comprising a complete Description of the Earth: exhibiting its Relation to the Hrarrnly Bodies, its Physical Structure, the Natural History of each Country, and the Industry'. Commerce,... | |
| John Lindley - 1840 - 448 sider
...Conijtrisinff a complete Dencription of the Knrth: exhibiting1 its Relation to the Heavenly Itotlios its Physical Structure, the Natural History of each Country, and the Industry, ComiiifTT -, Politiciil Institutions, and Civil and Social State of all Nations. By HUGH MURRAY, KK>.K.... | |
| George Bliss - 1849 - 360 sider
...one of reference. The engravings are beantifully executed. "-Spectator, Nov. 19, 1842. ENCYCLOP/EDIA OF GEOGRAPHY: Comprising a complete Description of...Political Institutions, and Civil and Social State of all Nations. By Hugh Murray, FR8.E.: assisted in Astronomy, etc. by Professor Wallace; Geology, etc.... | |
| Kālīkṛṣṇa (Deva raja.) - 1841 - 500 sider
...Barbarians. By JCL DK SIS.MONDI. 2 vols. fcp. Svo. with Vignette Title, 12s. cloth. TTNCYCLOPJ5DIA of GEOGRAPHY; comprising a Complete Description of...Political Institutions, and Civil and Social State of all Nations. By HUGH MURRAY, FRSE : assisted in ASTRONOMY, &c. by Professor Wallace ; GEOLOGY, &c.... | |
| Alfred Smee - 1841 - 306 sider
...counting-house and warehouse in the kingdom, side by side with the Dictionary of Commerce." ENCYCLOPEDIA OF GEOGRAPHY; COMPRISING A Complete Description of...Political Institutions, and Civil and Social State of all Nations. BY HUGH MURRAY, FRSE : Assisted in ASTRONOMY, &c. by Prof. Wallace ; GEOLOOY, &c. by Prof.... | |
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