| Richard Cattermole, Henry Stebbing - 1836 - 418 sider
...and the same — ' They that are with us are more than they that are against us.' 2 Kings, vi. 16. ' Greater is he that is in us, than he that is in the world.' 1 John, iv. 4. 19. God shall hear, and afflict, or, humble, them, even he that abideth of old. Because they have... | |
 | Jacques Saurin - 1836 - 456 sider
...midst of tribulation. Jesus Christ lias promised to us also, the Comforter. His Spirit is within us: " Greater is he that is in us, than he that is in the world," 1 Jolm iv. 4. Let us yield ourselves to the guidance of this Spirit: he will not grant us to exercise... | |
 | Caroline Bowles Southey - 1836 - 344 sider
...omnipotent, and that before your hour is arrived, no one shall be able to touch a hair of your head ; for greater is he that is in us, than he that is in the world. Be not influenced by what the majority do, but by what the godly have done, and still do to this day.... | |
 | Martin Luther - 1837 - 408 sider
...though their snares (that is, their cunning devices,) were infinitely more crafty than they are ; yet " Greater is he that is in us, than he that is in the world ;" he breaks and destroys their teeth, he defeateth their snares, and wonderfully delivers his people,... | |
 | Reginald Heber (bp. of Calcutta.) - 1837 - 396 sider
...us ; and that, as God Himself made answer to Paul, He is sufficient for all our wants and dangers. Greater is He that is in us, than he that is in the world : the Spirit of God is infinitely stronger than even he who goeth about like " a roaring lion, seeking... | |
 | John Jebb - 1837 - 512 sider
...own strength, but in the name of the Lord of hosts ; and we shall prevail, we shall overcome : " for greater is he that is in us, than he that is in them. The eternal God is our refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms ; he shall thrust out... | |
 | Augustus Short (bp. of Adelaide.) - 1838 - 188 sider
...himself, and that wicked one toucheth him not"." We are not straitened in regard to divine grace. " Greater is he that is in us, than he that is in the world 0 ." Would we but resign ourselves to the guidance of the Spirit, we should fight the good fight of... | |
 | William Van Mildert (bp. of Durham.) - 1838 - 590 sider
...deeper throughout the mass of our population, let us not be faint-hearted, nor of " doubtful mind." " Greater is he that is in " us, than he that is in the world." So said our blessed Saviour, for the confirmation and assurance of his disciples, when every prospect... | |
 | Henry Woodward - 1838 - 438 sider
...adherence to Almighty God, which establishes his throne in our hearts, and enables us to feel, that greater is he that is in us, than he that is in the world. To aid you, in attaining to a state so blessed, it is our duty, to set before you every suitable means... | |
 | Henry Hasted - 1838 - 218 sider
...which can pour into the mind the healing balm of divine consolation ; it "giveth us the victory," for " greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world ;" and it " speaketh peace in troubles," for it shews the end and the uses of them. It is at such seasons,... | |
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