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" Almighty God, unto whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hid, cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of thy Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love thee, and worthily magnify thy holy name, through Christ... "
Mr. Baldwin's legacy to his daughter, or The divinity of truth - Side xlii
af George Baldwin - 1811
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Reformed Worship

Howard L. Rice, James C. Huffstutler - 2001 - 250 sider
...collects, and his great prayer for purity is an excellent example: A Prayer for Purity Almighty God, unto whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hid; cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of thy Holy Spirit, that...
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Meaning and Modernity: Religion, Polity, and Self

Richard Madsen - 2001 - 372 sider
...God's omniscience seeks further knowledge. The traditional God of Christianity is described as One "unto whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hid." The Market l>od too wants to see the deepest secrets and darkest desires of our...
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Proverbs of Ashes: Violence, Redemptive Suffering, and the Search for What ...

Rita Nakashima Brock, Rebecca Ann Parker - 2002 - 272 sider
...quality of self-disclosure that Augustine presented in his confessions addressed to God. "Almighty God, unto whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hid . . ." We had said this collect every Sunday morning at my father's church. Augustine's...
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Christ Can Make You Fully Human

Kenneth C. Kinghorn - 2003 - 144 sider
...instance, this widely used Prayer of Humble Access which emphasizes God's call to holiness: "Almighty God, unto whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hid: Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of thy Holy Spirit, that...
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The Praying Life: Seeking God in All Things

Deborah Smith Douglas - 2003 - 132 sider
...we will begin to recognize God in all things, to rejoice in the invitational, relational love of God "unto whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hid."' So how may we avail ourselves of this new way of seeing? We have only to begin....
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If Jesus Were a Senior: Last-Minute Preparations for Postcollege Life

Bruce Main - 2003 - 188 sider
...secrets if only in our own hearts." 25 He cites an ancient church prayer that reads, "Almighty God, unto whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hid; cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of thy Holy Spirit, that...
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Liberating Faith: Religious Voices for Justice, Peace, and Ecological Wisdom

Roger S. Gottlieb - 2003 - 694 sider
...God's omniscience seeks further knowledge. The traditional God of Christianity is described as One "unto whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hid." The Market God too wants to see the deepest secrets and darkest desires of our...
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Timothy A. Robinson - 2002 - 452 sider
...knowledge and understanding of ethically relevant facts, if not absolute omniscience. He should be a God "unto whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hid." (3) The argument does not seem to imply very much about God's power, however —...
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Mary's Land

Lucia St. Clair Robson - 2003 - 387 sider
...to feel the stickiness of the communion wafer on his tongue, to hear the priest chant. Almighty God, unto whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hid... " 'Tis that loggerhead Brent I would see hung." Dandy kicked a stool from under...
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The Lord's Service: The Grace of Covenant Renewal Worship

Jeffrey J. Meyers - 2003 - 448 sider
...You satisfy die desire of every living thing! Psalm 145:15—16 fPastor: Let us pray: Almighty God, unto whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hid, cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit, that...
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